We are loving the summer in Santa Barbara! Even though a year ago I would've scoffed that the weather is ALWAYS nice here, we are relishing the even nicer long sunny days. Time for lots of water play, BBQs, picnics, and that classic all-time summer favorite...potty training!

Time for a few tickles before this Saturday's walk from the Mission to the Farmer's Market. "Wanna share something?" Nicholas asked when he saw the delicious fruit. :)

As it turns out, learning to smile for the camera when asked is a bit of an elusive skill. We still resort to tickling most of the time!

A skill Nicholas HAS mastered is huge jumps into the pool - and he has the bruises to prove it! His pool is only inches deep, but he doen't seem to let that bother him!

The bathing beauty in all of his "I've been stripped down for potty training" glory!

Hard at work with coloring - too bad the potty training isn't as easy! We have had some success, but LOTS of wet training pants as well! All in good time...