Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Papa Doug Turns 60...

...and we celebrate by going to the Lomita Train Museum.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mornings With Nicholas

What do you do when you wake up at 6am? If you're Nicholas, you park cars. And then repark them. And then park them backwards. You might take a breakfast break, but only to give you energy to park some more cars. Yellow racecar's turn!

Friday, March 02, 2007

A Visit with the Botts

Last week we had a wonderful visit with our dear friends the Botts. Determined to do our best not to let physical distance keep us apart, we have gotten to see each other 3 times since we all taught in Vienna together. Considering we've each had a child in that time, that's not too shabby! While they were here, we had great weather - super news for the Michiganders (Michiganites?) who went home to ice storms - and got to show off Santa Barbara's beaches, parks, views, and foods. We also dreamed together about Dave getting accepted to U of M so we could all live nearby again, however, Dave got his letter from Michigan while they were here and, alas, it is not to be. (For those of you who are keeping track, UW said no too.) Anyway, here are some pictures from our visit.

The view at Shoreline Park

Enjoying the sun at out favorite local haunt, The Daily Grind

Botts at the beach

Eliza loved her first encounter with The Pacific

Dad and Nicholas dash waves

Nicholas and Eliza caught in a moment of civil sharing

Bleary-eyed friends saying an early-morning goodbye