Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween at the Zublins

Nicholas was a rookie when it came to this Halloween business, but cousin Eli led the way! By the time we'd been to 3 houses, Nicholas would walk down the driveway saying, "Let's go to another house!"

The loot!

This one's for all you Homestar fans. Dave did a stellar job on his Trgdor and Strong Sad pumpkins, don't you think?

Some other cute pictures of the boys from the playground and the carousel at Fashion Island.

Fall fun

This has been a fun fall teaching Nicholas about the joy of "Wiquid Amber" trees, pumpkin patches, and trick-or-treating. He jumped right into it all with his usual gusto, and I can hardly get in the car to go anywhere without him pointing out the "beautiful trees." It seems like someday we'll have to take him somewhere with REAL fall colors, but Santa Barbara is good enough for training grounds.

Okay, is it just me, or is he too cute for words? He LOVED his monkey costume, and found as many opportunities as possible to dress up - the YMCA fall festival, Kindermusik class on Halloween, and a special visit to Great-grandmother's house ("The one with the white hair.")